2024 Norwich University of the arts graduation festival

Awards Fabrication

During the Norwich University of the arts graduation festival I was asked by Jon Dunleavy to help organised and create the award ceremony taking place on the 18th june 2024. Which included 12 bespoke awards, 8 badges featuring humorous sentiments and 150 souvenir badges that students , guests and staff can take home as a memento of the evening.

The categories for the awards use the animation pipeline format of production production and post production the awards within separated into four groups for each section and designed on procreate later transferred into Adobe illustrator where designs with simplified for laser cutting.

Once the designs were completed they were arranged and organised onto an A1 size sheet of wood to be laser cut over a period of five hours, sticking with the Norwich University of the arts colour palette of yellow black and white awards and badgers were hand-painted over a period of two days, through the use of a slotting system and wooden block the awards were secured to the bases with wood glue and labels were hand written by Lily Cousins.

Finally they were varnished with wood sealant and gloss with the pin back attach to the underside of the badges.A huge thank you for the amazing opportunity from the Norwich University of the arts to design and fabricate bespoke awards that celebrate the graduates achievements with in the creative arts and their degrees.