2 Materials 2 Heads

Sculpture and fabrication

Note: the section needs to be completed once final head is created


Hey self project to challenge myself to recreate the same character in three separate fabrication methods just to show consistency between each individual style as a collective


An independent project I challenged myself to recreate the same character in different fabrication styles using different materials just showcase my ability to create consistency and the mastering of these visuals and techniques.


Head 1 : constructive from DAS terracotta clay and sculpted using modelling tools to map out the key characteristics and features, Langnickel Clay Extruder tool for the details.


Head 2 : crafted from what colour paper, cut out keys shapes and blocking to make depth and layered visuals, colour was done with watercolour and pencils to create shading, see you together with PVA glue.


Head3: hand whittled from balsawood, sanded and shaped with a Dremel, details crafted with a assortment of tool heads , hand-painted with acrylic and varnished.