The characters of Malta

Adapting mythos, culture and ideas into character designs 2023

In 2023 I visited the country of Malta which I challenged myself to create a mini design project with the one rule that anything I create has to be influenced by motors culture, history and mythos. For this trip I selected five characters but developed three:

The fertility goddess or Venus of Malta a powerful entity with wide hips that was known through blood sacrifice to provide fertility and sanctuary for young women my version of this character incorporates the ancient artefacts of the temple itself covered in moss plants and animals providing sanctuary and home for these creatures.

The fish man otherwise known as sirens are powerful protective entities protecting the entrance to the ancient city can they can be found within the main Fountain these creatures are half man half fish but with a twist instead of one tail they have to flip it legs, I saw these creatures often in my hotel incorporating them into the architecture does my Fishman character design is a waiter caring for the guests and protecting the coastline.

The last character is a physical manifestation of the seven day Malta festival Full of loud noise bright neon colours floats food and dancing the Carnival is to honour the patron saints of each parish every year. My character design incorporates the large colourful and collect it dress-wear worn by the dancers and performers was also representing the king of the festival a figure that is unique within its design and role of the festival itself.